Rhythm Bomb {2014}
Let’s Have A Crazy Ball – A Kiss From You – Breakfast – Don’t Let Them Know – Big Wolf – Hi-No-Love – I’ll Find A New Love – Dream Boy – Kiss Me – Happy Daddy – Just One Look – Where Can I Put The Junk?
I love classic Rock’n’roll and rhythm’n’blues and recently I was lamenting that, though we have plenty of Rockabilly bands on today’s scene, very few were actually playing straight rock’n’roll. And all of sudden landed on my desk via the fine folks at Rhythm Bomb record who do an excellent job the answer to my prayer : Cherry Casino’s third release. A rare case of a flawless album. Everything here is perfect. Look at that cover. Don’t you want to hold a 180g cardboard copy with a beautiful vinyl inside of it ? And now listen to the music… Axel Praefcke (vox, lead guitar), Ike Stoye (sax), Roland Ploog (rhythm guitar), Michael Kirscht and Carsten Harbeck (bass) form a super tight combo. They jump, they rock, they roll and they even croon (with such a singer they’re right to do so).
Praefcke wrote all the songs and managed to do a nealy impossible task. His songs sound totally original and, in the same time, you’d swear these are timeless classics that come from the fifties. Very few can do that (they’re almost as scarce as a weak record in Carl perkins discography).
And the now legendary Lightnin’ Recorders in Berlin added their magic to the mix making the perfect casket for these twelve little gem.
By far my most played record of 2014, enjoy these 28 minutes of sheer joy.
Fred “Virgil” Turgis