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We launched a paper version of the website under the name of Jumpin’ from 6 to 6.

Issue 3 (February 2023) features the last part of our The Rockats and Red Hot’n’Blue stories, High Noon, Josie Kreuzer, Colbert Hamilton, a look at the Dutch Psychobilly scene, the Coffin Nails, Shaun Young, Sean Mencher and tons of reviews, all crammed in 68 pages.

You can buy it through amazon in the following countries.

Issue 2 (October 2021) features the first parts of our stories of the Rockats, the Quakes and Red Hot’n’Blue. It also features interviews with Neo-Rockabilly legend Dave Phillips and Harry & the Hounds.
Articles about Vinylux records, the Ringlets Trio, the Black Crabs, Little Rachel, Slim Sandy and his Hillbilly Boppers, the Nitros, the Swamp Dogs and Ravenna & the Magnetics, and more than 100 records reviews complete this 68-page issue.

You can buy it through amazon in the following countries.

The first issue (February 2021) contains 68 pages of interviews (Miss Lauren Marie, the Piccadilly Bullfrogs, Phil Haley, Pat Cupp, Crazy Cavan) articles (the story of the Stargazers, Ripsaw records, Happy Drivers, Crazy Legs, Memphis Rockabilly Band, Colton Turner) and more than 100 records reviewed.

You can buy it through amazon in the following countries.

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