Cat Talk

Cat Talk – Gonna Miss Me

Gonna Miss Me – I Wish I Never Lost You
Scat Records BC001 SCAT 010

Cat Talk

Named after Lew Williams’ song, Cat Talk was a rockabilly band from England formed by Chad Strentz (vocals), Sam Crabtree (Lead Guitar), Roger van Niekerk (drums) and Brad (double bass.)
Crabtree previously played with Red Hot’n’Blue and the Blue Rhythm Boys while Strentz sang with Scat Cats.
The band released this self-produced single in the early eighties (around 1983.)
Despite being credited to Strentz and Crabtree, Gonna Miss Me is not an original but the classic Muddy Waters tune. Their version is slightly sped up and more rockin’.
The flip side is an excellent boppin’ Rockabilly.
If you want to have an idea of their sound, I’d say that Cat Talk wouldn’t have been out of place in the Northwood catalog.

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