Ricky Fabian – Big Bang Boogie
Rhythm Bomb {2014}
When You Break A Heart – Big Bang Boogie – Never Trust A Girl (Persch) – Rockin’ With My Baby – Man With The Blues – I Got A Woman (And Gonna Last Long) – They Know Better – Cry Over You – The Color Of Your Eyes – I’ve Got You In My Heart – Searchin’ – Showdown.
To be honest, I must admit that, at first sight, the name Ricky Fabian sounded a bit too “teen idol” for me. Had I stay on that first impression I would have missed one of the best Rock’n’roll record I’ve heard in ages. Once I put the cd in my player my doubts quickly vanished. It was an instant revelation!
I have very few infos about this young guy, I believe that he comes from Switzerland and it looks like “Big Bang Boogie” is his first LP. But there’s one thing that I know: this guy can sing. And with ten songs from his pen out of twelve (the other two are a cover of Willie Nelson’s Man With The Blues and a song written by Axel Praefcke).
Backed with class and talent by a band formed with members of Cherry Casino and Ike and the Capers, Ricky Fabian offers a brand of Rock’n’roll that manages to sound fresh and classic in the same time. The album alternates rockers with ballads and some mid-tempos in between with a slight country feel.
Besides the voice and the song, the other element that makes the difference with some similar albums is the tastefull use of Jordanaires type of backing vocals. How many artists dare to do that nowadays? The superb production of Axel Praefcke and Ike Stoye at the great Lightnin Recording studios sounds as if Elvis RCA stuff had been recorded at Sun, and it’is just the icing on an already delicious cake.
Buy it NOW!
Fred “Virgil” Turgis