The Helldivers – Starlight Rock’n’Bop
Wild Hare Records.RB05001
Starlight Rock ‘n’ Bop – Real Live Doll Lucky Penny – True Blue Lover Lonesome Wind – Feel So Bad – Hot Rod Boogie – Tough Tops Gone – Yeah She’s Mine – Rhythm Gonna Rock You Street Angel House Devil – Jet Plane Jump – Up A Pole – Water Boilin’
Second album of another promising young american band. When punks decide to play rockabilly, the result is a band with a name of a second world war bomber and a very «angry» first album in 2004 «Down To Nickles and Dimes». This second one titled «Starlight Rock’ Bop» is much more authentic. It is funny to hear these young people who started with saturated guitars now backing to the past and sounding just like in «54-55». Because it is all about that; the fourteen pieces (with only one cover, the Joe Penny’s «Real Live Doll», another horse of the Wild Hare Records stable which was a formed part of Hank Williams «Driftin’ Cowboys») are recorded by the guitarist Dave Moore (in its studio New Hope of Berkeley Springs) on vintage material and sound fiendishly» fifties just like these guys have sold their souls to the devil ! Listen to the first eponymous piece and you will understand what I’m talking about; there is some Pat Cupp in it and it is not by accident if he signed the liner notes! Moreover it is Ace Brown (singer and guitarist) and Johnny Bones (double bass player) assisted by the young Eddie Clendening which has accompanied the «old cat» in Green Bay and will «set the table again» at the Hemsby weekender in October 2005.I recommend you the entire album and pieces like «True Blue Lover», «Hot Rod Boogie», «Yeah, She’ s Mine», «Up has Poole» «Water Boilin’» and especially «Rhythm Gonna Rock You» (What a good one!) will undoubtedly blow your top. If you do agree, I’ll offer you a beer on our next meeting !
David Phisel